Oct 27, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

College of Arts & Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

Department of Expressive Arts

Dean: Oubre
Department Chair:Michaud (Art)
Professor: Pendergast (Art)
Associate Professor: Michaud (Art), Drissell (Art)
Assistant Professors: Brandt (Art), Wheary (Art)

Degrees: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Fine Art, Associate of Arts, Associate of Applied Science
Majors: Art, Fine Art, Graphic Design
Minors: Art, Music

THE EXPRESSIVE ARTS DEPARTMENT: Includes the Arts and Music. Expressive Arts Department teaches and cultivates confidence, patience, perseverance, dexterity, critical thinking, and problem solving skills. The arts instill discipline, curiosity for experimentation, risk taking and dedication to one’s vision. Students will carry these lifelong visual communication skills and intrinsic motivational attitudes with them into all aspects of their lives and careers where they will be valued as creative innovators and problem solvers.

Fine Art Discipline

Fine Art students enrolled at WNMU have options towards professional careers in the visual arts, art education, and music. The A.A. degrees in Graphic Design leads towards the applied arts workforce. The B.F.A. Program requires an application process and a strong, competitive portfolio for admission and is designed as preparation for graduate study or careers in Art and Media. Art as a discipline provides the facilities and assistance for developing competence in the visual arts, art education, art history, and the graphic and media arts.

The art discipline offers several degree options: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelors of Fine Arts (B.F.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Associate of Arts (A.A.) and Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) in Graphic Design, and an Art Minor.

  • Lab fees are required in Studio Courses.
  • Lab fees provide studio equipment, their maintenance/repair, and studio materials. Students will provide their own personal tools and supplies.
  • Admission to the A.A. Graphic Design Program adhere to the University open enrollment policy.

The Bachelors of Arts & Science (B.A./B.A.): This degree offers 50 credits hours in art with specialization is studio art. It is ideal for the collaborative students interested in broader liberal arts goals or a double major. Students are prepared for graduate school to pursue the Masters of Art in Teaching and could pursue a MFA Degree or practice art professionally. No Minor is required.

The Bachelor of Fine Arts Degrees (B.F.A.): A Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) in fine arts is a four-year degree program which allows a student to approach an education in the visual arts within a university context. This means that studio courses in such areas as ceramics, drawing, new media, painting, photography, sculpture, and also interdisciplinary combinations of these media, will be studied alongside academic disciplines

Associate of Arts in Graphic Design (A.A.): With a focus on fundamental, conceptual, and technical development, this degree promotes skills required for a multi-faceted future in graphic design or advanced degree studies. The program provides a traditional mix of general education, fine art studio, and graphic design courses.

Associate of Applied Science in Graphic Design (AAS):  Similar to the Associate of Arts in Graphic Design degree, this degree focuses on fundamental, conceptual, and technical development, preparing students with the foundational skills necessary for entry into the many commercial disciplines of graphic design. The program provides additional graphic design courses with less general education studies.

Art Minor: Enables students majoring in other fields to acquire an art proficiency.

Music Minor: A focus on music proficiency including, Jazz, Mariachi, and Pep band.

Art Scholarships: The DeGrazia Scholarship in Fine Arts, Francis McCray Scholarship, Harry Benjamin, Barbara Peppy, Gary and Ardene Rickman,Lorraine Schula Scholarship, John Stermer Art Scholarship, Chase Web Art Scholarship, Winters Kasten State match scholarship: Each scholarship varies in amounts up to $500.00 per academic year. Art scholarships are awarded to incoming students with artistic potential and current outstanding Art and outstanding B.F.A. students. Art scholarships are awarded each Spring for the following year. Scholarship Application Forms are available in the Expressive Arts Office. Completed applications can be submitted in October - January for the following year throught the WNMU Foundation.  The Expressive Arts Department will review applications in February.

Music Scholarships: Robert M. Ingraham Music Scholarship, North Sea Montreux Jazz Scholarship, AA. (Abramo) and Geraldine Parotti Scholarship, Lorraine Schula Scholarship, CCCC/Robert Lee Kasten Expressive Arts State match Scholarship. Are awarded to incoming students with musical potential and current outstanding declared music minors.

Art Education Program Description: The Art Discipline within the Expressive Arts Department works in conjunction with the College of Education in two ways. 1) Students interested in attaining Art Certification are required to complete a B.F.A. in Art and pursue a Master of Arts in Teaching with Art as their qualifying field. 2) Students interested in the Elementary Education Program take the Art Teaching Endorsement in conjunction with the Elementary Education Program.


Associate of Applied Science

Associate of Arts

Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Fine Arts


Department of Humanities

Dean: Oubre
Department Chair: Cline
Professors: Cline, Heller
Associate Professors: Brown, Schoenberg, Steinmann, Frankland
Assistant Professor: Kingery

Degrees: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science
Majors: English, Sustainable Development
Minors: Communication Studies, English, Philosophy, Sustainable Development

The Humanities Department offers courses and programs which focus on human experience in its own terms - as in communication, literature, philosophy, and writing. These courses and programs may be used as preparation for careers in law, government, and teaching, but they are also essential to the critical thinking, value formation, and political decision-making required of citizens in a democratic society. The courses are designed for students choosing electives as well as for majors and minors.

The humanities curriculum is meant to function as a complement to curricula which are excessively specialized on one hand and exclusively practical on the other. It is committed to the cultivation of a thoughtful, broad, historical perspective; knowledge as an end-in-itself; and an awareness of the special value of human beings and their experiences - past, present, and future.

Students pursing the B.A. degree are advised to begin studying a foreign language in year one of their curriculum.

The Humanities Department includes courses in developmental reading and writing, Communication, Literature, Philosophy, and Writing. There is also one honors society in the Humanities Department: Sigma Tau Delta.


Courses in communication will study “all forms, modes, media and consequences of communication through humanistic, social scientific and aesthetic inquiry” (National Communication Association Mission Statement, 2016) in order to prepare students for a better life as better communicators and to work in diverse fields including journalism, public relations, brand management, and any other occupation where excellence in communication is recommended.


The Composition program at WNMU meets students where they are, offering integrated reading and writing classes for students needing academic support to complete the transition from high school to college, and a two-semester college composition sequence in general education courses as well as those within their major disciplines. The Composition program works closely with the Miller Library, the Center for Student Success, and the Writing Center to offer writing support services such as tutoring to WNMU’s students.

Developmental English

Undergraduate students new to WNMU are required to take an approved placement test. The test scores are used to place students in appropriate university or developmental English courses and mathematics courses. Developmental English courses provide underprepared and “at risk” students with academic support to complete the transition from high school to college. They also provide academic support to non-traditional students who have been away from formal education for several years.


These courses in American, British and World Literature sharpen critical and aesthetic insights and promote understanding of the cultural heritage as revealed in literature. They provide a strong foundation in subject matter for prospective teachers of English in the elementary and secondary schools and equip majors for graduate study in English.


Philosophy courses serve to provide students with conceptual skills needed to think critically and to confront fundamental questions in their lives. Historical and contemporary approaches to problems are presented.

Teacher Licensure

Students seeking teacher licensure in the State of New Mexico may combine a major in Elementary Education or Secondary Education with a teaching field in Bilingual Education - Teaching Field   - Spanish, Classical Language - Spanish, or Language Arts - Teaching Field  . Specific course listings are found in the Teaching Field section of the College of Education in this catalog.


Writing courses prepare students for success in an increasingly critical area of communication. Through the study of craft, audience, tone, mechanics, and form, students build the foundations to become practicing writers. Graduates go on to write in literary and professional venues and/or enroll in graduate level writing programs.


Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Science

Graduate Certificate


Other Programs

Department of Interdisciplinary Studies

Director: Oubre
Professors: Faculty across all departments at WNMU serve these degrees

Advising Resources: Advising staff in Interdisciplinary Studies serve these degrees. For assistance, contact the Advising Center at https://advising.wnmu.edu/advisors/ or Interdisciplinary Studies at interdisciplinary@wnmu.edu.

The Department of Interdisciplinary Studies aims to support students in their exploration of advanced study and their personal academic interests. Each of these degrees offers great flexibility in course selections and high course inclusiveness by allowing electives to count toward graduation. These degrees embrace the diversity of students’ interests at WNMU and allow students to customize a degree to their personal interests. Each program can serve as a terminal degree, allowing students to gain skills and knowledge that prepare them for employment and civic engagement. The degrees can also serve as stepping stones for further study.

Many students come to the Associate of Liberal Studies and Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies degrees through their advising experience as undecided students. The department of Interdisciplinary Studies works closely with staff in the Admissions and Advising Center, and these units collaborate to support the interest and advising of these students. 

Graduate Catalog

Colleges Offering Graduate Level Coursework for the Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies

Arts & Sciences, College of

Expressive Arts, Department of

Art (ARTS)

Humanities, Department of

English (ENGL)
Philosophy (PHIL)
Writing (WRTG)

Mathematics & Computer Science, Department of

Mathematics (MATH)

Natural Sciences, Department of

Biology (BIOL)
Geographic Informatoin Systems abd Science (GISS)

Social Sciences and Cultural Studies, Department of

History (HIST)
Latino and Latin American Studies (LALS)
Political Science (POLS)
Sociology (SOC)

Education, College of

Bilingual Education (BLED)
Counseling (COUN)
Early Childhood Education (ECE)
Educational Leadership (EDL)
Elementary Education (EDUC)
Instructional Technology & Design (ITD)
Reading Education (RDG)
Secondary Education (EDUC)
Spanish (SPAN)
Special Education (SPED)

Professional Studies, College of

Behavioral Sciences, Department of

Criminal Justice (CJUS)
Psychology (PSY)

Business, School of

Business Administration (BSAD)
Business Management (BSAD)
Management Information Systems (MIS)

Nursing & Kinesiology, School of

Kinesiology (KINS)


Program Specific Admission and Graduation Requirements

Arts & Sciences, College of

Note: Additional details about exits may be requested from interdisciplinary@wnmu.edu.

Education, College of

The College of Education requires a specific program application process for admission into any College of Education field of study. All application materials (specified below) must be submitted as one complete packet to the College of Education advisor(s). This application packet is reviewed by the Advanced Programs Committee of the College of Education. After the committee reviews the application, the student is notified of acceptance or denial into the desired field(s) of study within the College of Education. Upon acceptance, the student works with her or his advisor in the designated field(s) of study to create a degree plan. It is recommended that the application process be completed and the student obtain acceptance before beginning graduate courses within the College of Education. Both the application process and the degree plan must be completed by the end of the first semester of graduate work.

The Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies Program Application for the College of Education includes the following:

  • Data and Tracking Form, completed, form provided
  • Criminal Record Disclosure Form, completed and signed, form provided
  • Three letters of recommendation, using forms provided
  • Writing sample of 2-3 pages, Topic: “Why I want a Master of Arts in _____?
  • Current Résumé
  • Teacher Licensure Number Form (if applicable), completed and signed, form provided
  • Additional program specific admissions forms, as required
  • (Note: Any field experience course will have additional requirements)

Application packets (including appropriate forms) are available from the College of Education.

Expressive Arts, Department of

The Expressive Arts Department offers curriculum support for the M.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies program in the field of Art. The visual arts graduate program requires a BA/BS or BFA degree in Art or any other field with an art minor equivalent to WNMU’s 23 credit art minor or prospective students may petition for an exception to this requirement. Each graduate Art student, once admitted, must select an advisor in his or her area of studio concentration. Students admitted into the M.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies program may be eligible to apply for a Graduate Assistantship in the McCray Gallery.

Humanities, Department of

This department has no additional admission requirements beyond those of the WNMU Graduate Division.

Mathematics & Computer Science, Department of

Applicants should have a grade of at least a B in MATH 312 - Computational Linear Algebra , and MATH 323 - Differential Equations , or equivalent courses from an accredited college or university. There is a current need and desire for k-12 and community college teachers to become “highly qualified” by taking 18 hours in a discipline at the graduate level.

Natural Sciences, Department of

The Natural Sciences Department offers curriculum support to students who are interested in focusing on Biology or other areas in the Natural Sciences Department. For graduate admission in Biology, students must have a B.A./B.S. in Biology or a closely related field, or a B.A./B.S. degree in another field and sufficient preparatory coursework in biological sciences as determined by the program advisor. Students will select a member of the full-time Natural Science faculty who will agree to serve as their advisor. Prior to enrolling in graduate coursework, graduate students must secure a degree plan signed by their advisor. A minimum of 18 credit hours in Biology and/or Natural Science courses is recommended.

Social Sciences and Cultural Studies, Department of

This department has no additional admission requirements beyond those of the WNMU Graduate Division.

Professional Studies, School of Business

This school has no additional admission requirements beyond those of the WNMU Graduate Division.

Professional Studies, School of Nursing and Kinesiology

This department has no additional admission requirements beyond those of the WNMU Graduate Division.

Graduate Certificates

This unique program allows students to earn a Graduate Certificate in a specific content area. In addition to the Graduate Division Admission requirements, students are asked to complete program specific admission requirements including a brief Letter of Intent. A Graduate Certificate in a specific content area is available when a student has earned 18 hours. In most states, 18 hours at the graduate level qualifies people as “content area experts” who are considered “qualified” to teach at the lower-division college level. These certificates allow students to document completion of 18 hours within a field when done outside of or in addition to a master’s degree.

The following Concentration Areas are available for a Graduate Certificate: through the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies:

Art, Graduate Certificate 

Biology, Graduate Certificate 

Border Security Graduate Certificate 

Chemical Dependency Counseling, Graduate Certificate 

Criminal Justice, Graduate Certificate 

Digital Forensics Graduate Certificate  

English, Graduate Certificate 

Instructional Design Graduate Certificate 

Instructional Technology Coach Graduate Certificate 

Kinesiology, Graduate Certificate 

Latin American and Latinx (LALS) and Ethnic Studies, Graduate Certificate 

Management Information Systems Graduate Certificate 

Marketing Graduate Certificate (pending) 

Mathematics, Graduate Certificate 

Philosophy Graduate Certificate 

Political Science, Graduate Certificate 

Psychology, Graduate Certificate 

Writing Graduate Certificate 


While these graduate certificates are not interdisciplinary programs, all students pursuing these will be supported through Interdisciplinary Studies.



Associate of Arts

Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies

Graduate Certificate

Master of Arts

Department of Math & Computer Science

Dean: Oubre
Department Chair: Livingston
Professors: Gruszka, Livingston, Rivers, Smith
Assistant Professors: Nyaupane, Schott, Tamang

Degrees: Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science and Associate of Science

Majors: Mathematics, Mathematics-Pre-Engineering
Minors: Computer Science, Mathematics

Courses in mathematics are intended for those who are studying the subjects for their own sake, for those who are interested in their applications as a tool in various fields, for those who are interested in teaching, and for those who are interested in graduate study. Students in this department are encouraged to study at least one area in which mathematics or computer science is applied. The employment opportunities are excellent for education majors with a mathematics major or minor. Career opportunities for computer science minors are excellent in education, business and many other applied areas.

All classes presented for the major or minor in mathematics or computer science must be passed with a grade of C or better. MATH 2132 - Understanding Elementary Math I  and MATH 2133 - Understanding Elementary Mathematics II  do not count toward the major or minor in mathematics.


Associate of Science

Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Science


Department of Natural Sciences

Dean: Oubre
Department Chair: Whiteman
Assistant Chair: Norris
Professors: Camacho, Haugen, Jost, Norris, Whiteman
Associate Professor: Kyasa, Neighbors
Assistant Professors: Casler, Gentry, Koeppl, Villanueva Gonzalez
Lab Directors: Casler, Koeppl

Majors: Biology, Botany, Cell and Molecular Biology, Chemistry, Sustainable Development, Forest/Wildlife, Forest Wildlife Law Enforcement, General Science, Medical Technology Laboratory Science, Science Education, Zoology
Minors: Biology, Botany, Cell and Molecular Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Science, Geographic Information Systems, Outdoor Leadership Studies, Sustainable Development, Zoology

The Department of Natural Sciences offers Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees in a variety of subjects as preparation for a large number of professional careers. Additionally, the Department provides appealing courses which not only fulfill undergraduate science requirements, but also prepare the student for the scientific realities of life.

The faculty is committed to scholarship and research. Research equipment, instruments, and library materials are available for student use.

General Education Requirements: The following Department of Natural Sciences courses, including their associated laboratories, are approved for fulfilling the General Education requirements for laboratory science. Some of these are restricted (for General Education credit) to students who have declared majors in specific fields. All courses, including designated General Education courses, required for a major or minor in the Department of Natural Sciences must be passed with a grade of C or better.

BIOL 1140 /BIOL 1140L , BIOL 1110 /BIOL 1110L  primarily for non-science majors
BIOL 2642 /BIOL 2642L , BIOL 2644 /BIOL 2644L , BIOL 2110 /BIOL 2110L  primarily for science majors
BIOL 2210 /BIOL 2210L 
CHEM 1120 /CHEM 1120L , CHEM 1215 /CHEM 1215L 
GEOL 1110 /GEOL 1110L , GEOL 2110 /GEOL 2110L , GEOL 1120 /GEOL 1120L 
PHSC 1120 /PHSC 1120L  

Faculty Mentors: Each student has the option of choosing his or her Faculty Mentor. Each major for the department however, has a suggested Faculty Mentor listed at the beginning of the degree plan. These professors are the best qualified to mentor a student in each of these areas.

Science Education Major

For licensure to teach secondary science students must complete both a Science Education major and a Secondary Education major. This double major program is completed in conjunction with the College of Education at WNMU and fulfills all requirements for licensure to teach secondary science.

For licensure to teach elementary science students may either double major in both Science Education and Elementary Education or take the General Science Licensure courses with their Elementary Education major.

Students may also choose the route of obtaining an M.A.T. if they have an undergraduate degree in science.

Degree plans for the double majors in Elementary or Secondary Education and Science Education can be found in the College of Education section of this catalog.


Fast Track Certificate


Associate of Arts

Associate of Science

Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Applied Science

Graduate Certificate


Department of Social Science & Cultural Studies

Dean: Crocker
Department Chair: Lavalle
Professors: Fritz, Hernandez, Lavalle
Associate Professors:
Assistant Professor: Blaxland, Naphan-Kingery, Nica

Majors: History, Social Science, Sociology, Sustainable Development
Minors: American Indian Studies, Sustainable Development, Geography, History, Latin American Studies, Latinx Studies, Political Science, Sociology, Gender and Women Studies

The primary purposes of the programs in the social sciences are to provide student with a broad and general understanding of human social life and to prepare students for varied careers in business, education, government, law, and human services.

Other Requirements

All majors in the areas of Social Science must have a minimum G.P.A. of 2.0 in the major field for graduation at the Bachelor’s levels. All majors require a minor degree program with the exception of the Sustainable Development and Social Science major.

Any student with a major in Sociology may not count GEOG 323 /SOC 323  or PSYC 2510  towards the additional math/computer science requirements for the B.S. degree.


For New Mexico teacher licensure, all the minors listed below must include 24 credit hours.


Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Science

Graduate Certificate

Master of Arts
