Name |
Phone |
Email |
Website |
AA-EEO Title IX - Office of the Diversity and Compliance |
(575) 538-6025 |
titleix@wnmu.edu |
http://titleix.wnmu.edu/ |
Accounts Payable |
(575) 538-6168 |
Affirmative Action |
(575) 538-6025 |
Aramark - Dining Services |
https://wnmu.campusdish.com/ |
Business Office |
(575) 538-6150 |
Business.Affairs@wnmu.edu |
http://businessaffairs.wnmu.edu/cashier-services/ |
Campus Police |
(575) 538-6231 |
barbara.perez@wnmu.edu |
https://police.wnmu.edu |
Campus Recreation |
(575) 538-6735 |
reccenterws@wnmu.edu |
http://crec.wnmu.edu |
Centennial Hall |
housing@wnmu.edu |
Center for Student Success |
(575) 538-6905 |
css@wnmu.edu |
http://css.wnmu.edu/ |
Ceramics Studio |
(575) 538-6618 |
Karyn.Neil@wnmu.edu |
Circulation Desk |
(575) 538-6176 |
LibraryCirculation@wnmu.edu |
https://millerlibrary.wnmu.edu |
College of Arts and Sciences |
(575) 538-6658 |
Sonya.Pena@wnmu.edu |
http://academic.wnmu.edu/casa/ |
College of Education |
(575) 538-6416 |
CollegeOfEd@wnmu.edu |
http://coe.wnmu.edu |
College of Professional Studies |
(575) 538-6318 |
Sandra.Stanley@wnmu.edu |
http://academic.wnmu.edu/cops/ |
Department of Athletics |
(575) 538-6218 |
http://wnmumustangs.com |
Department of Community and Workforce Development |
(575) 538-6290 |
appliedtech@wnmu.edu |
http://appliedtech.wnmu.edu |
Department of Expressive Arts |
(575) 538-6618 |
Karyn.Neil@wnmu.edu |
http://art.wnmu.edu |
Department of Humanities |
(575) 538-6525 |
humanities@wnmu.edu |
http://humanities.wnmu.edu |
Department of Information Technology |
(575) 574-4357 |
helpdeskadmin@wnmu.edu |
https://mycampus.wnmu.edu/group/mycampus/it-service |
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies |
(575) 538-6650 |
interdisciplinary@wnmu.edu |
http://interdisciplinary.wnmu.edu/ |
Department of Natural Sciences |
(575) 538-6227 |
naturalscienced@wnmu.edu |
http://natsci.wnmu.edu |
Department of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies |
(575) 538-6634 |
SSCS@wnmu.edu |
http://socialsciences.wnmu.edu |
Department of Student Life |
(575) 538 6139 |
Student.Life@wnmu.edu |
http://life.wnmu.edu |
Division of Academic Affairs |
(575) 538-6317 |
pagelsa@wnmu.edu |
http://academic.wnmu.edu |
Division of Business Affairs |
(575) 538-6144 |
Business.Affairs@wnmu.edu |
http://businessaffairs.wnmu.edu |
Division of External Affairs |
(575) 538-6440 |
External.Affairs@wnmu.edu |
https://externalaffairs.wnmu.edu |
Division of Student Affairs |
(575) 538-6339 |
Student.Affairs@wnmu.edu |
http://studentaffairs.wnmu.edu/ |
Early Childhood Programs |
(575) 538-6344 |
ecp@wnmu.edu |
http://ecp.wnmu.edu/ |
Educational Leadership |
(575) 538-6426 |
Robert.Neu@wnmu.edu |
http://edl.wnmu.edu |
Extended University |
(575) 538-6149 |
http://extended.wnmu.edu/ |
Faculty Senate |
(575) 538-6605 |
Phillip.Schoenberg@wnmu.edu |
https://facultysenate.wnmu.edu |
Fitness Center |
(575) 538-6735 |
http://crec.wnmu.edu |
Food Pantry |
(575) 538-6611 |
foodpantry@wnmu.edu |
https://life.wnmu.edu/Mustangs-Care/ |
Francis McCray Gallery of Contemporary Art |
(575) 538-6517 |
Jill.Winburn@wnmu.edu |
https://art.wnmu.edu/mccray-gallery-of-contemporary-art/ |
Graduate Admissions |
(575) 538-6655 |
gradadmissions@wnmu.edu |
https://grad.wnmu.edu/admission |
Graduate Division |
(575) 538-6671 |
GradDivision@wnmu.edu |
http://grad.wnmu.edu |
Health Services |
(888) 271-3596 |
info@hmsnm.org |
https://www.hms-nm.org/ |
Honors Program |
(575) 538-6640 |
honors@wnmu.edu |
http://honors.wnmu.edu |
Human Resources |
(575) 538-6328 |
employment@wnmu.edu |
https://hr.wnmu.edu |
Inter/Library Loan |
(575) 538-6409 |
La Familia Resource Center |
(575) 538-6483 |
http://ecp.wnmu.edu/programs/lafamilia/ |
Language Institute |
(575) 538-6850 |
languageinstitute@wnmu.edu |
http://language.wnmu.edu/ |
Mailroom |
(575) 538-6477 |
http://businessaffairs.wnmu.edu/mailroom/ |
Maintenance |
(575) 538-6470 |
Master of Business Administration |
(575) 538-6321 |
mba@wnmu.edu |
http://mba.wnmu.edu |
Materials and Resource Management |
(575) 538-6242 |
purchasing@wnmu.edu |
Math and Computer Science |
(575) 538-6788 |
mathcs@wnmu.edu |
https://mathcs.wnmu.edu/ |
Media Technologies Services |
(575) 538-6360 |
media.technologies@wnmu.edu |
http://mts.wnmu.edu/ |
Miller Library |
(575) 538-6350 |
libraryadmin@wnmu.edu |
https://millerlibrary.wnmu.edu |
Muir Heights |
housing@wnmu.edu |
Mustang Entertainment |
mustang.entertainment@wnmu.edu |
http://entertainment.wnmu.edu |
Mustang Village |
housing@wnmu.edu |
Office of Admissions & Recruitment |
(575) 538-6000 |
admissions@wnmu.edu |
http://admissions.wnmu.edu |
Office of Adult Education Services |
(575) 574-5101 |
aes@wnmu.edu |
http://aes.wnmu.edu/ |
Office of Alumni Affairs |
(575) 538-6675 |
alumni@wnmu.edu |
http://alumni.wnmu.edu/ |
Office of Career Services and Leadership Development |
(575) 538-6628 |
careerservices@wnmu.edu |
http://css.wnmu.edu/career/ |
Office of Cultural Affairs |
(575) 538-6469 |
Cultural.Affairs@wnmu.edu |
https://culture.wnmu.edu/ |
Office of Dual Enrollment |
(575) 538-6185 |
dualenrollment@wnmu.edu |
http://outreach.wnmu.edu |
Office of Financial Aid |
(575) 538-6173 |
finaid@wnmu.edu |
http://financialaid.wnmu.edu/ |
Office of Housing and Residence Life |
(575) 538-6629 |
housing@wnmu.edu |
http://reslife.wnmu.edu |
Office of International Studies |
(575) 538-6620 |
internationalstudies@wnmu.edu |
http://international.wnmu.edu |
Office of Marketing & Communications |
(575) 538-6852 |
news@wnmu.edu |
https://ucom.wnmu.edu/ |
Office of Online Learning |
(575) 538-6085 |
online@wnmu.edu |
http://online.wnmu.edu |
Office of the President |
(575) 538-6238 |
Joseph.Shepard@wnmu.edu |
http://admin.wnmu.edu/ |
Office of the Registrar |
(575) 538-6118 |
registrars@wnmu.edu |
https://registrar.wnmu.edu |
Office of Veterans Affairs |
(575) 538-6208 |
Veteran.Benefits@wnmu.edu |
https://veterans.wnmu.edu |
Office of Video Communications |
(575) 538-6061 |
videocom@wnmu.edu |
https://mts.wnmu.edu/video-communications/ |
Ombudsperson |
(575) 538-6046 or 538-6554 |
fosterd@wnmu.edu or sarah.guck@wnmu.edu |
https://admin.wnmu.edu/ombuds/ |
Outdoor Programs and Gear Rentals |
(575) 538-6253 |
outdoors@wnmu.edu |
http://outdoor.wnmu.edu/ |
Physical Plant |
(575) 538-6470 |
Police Academy |
(575) 538-6288 |
http://behavioral.wnmu.edu/PA/ |
Public Services Library Manager |
(575) 538-6006 |
Reference Desk |
(575) 538-6359 |
School of Applied Technology |
(575) 538-6286 |
appliedtech@wnmu.edu |
http://appliedtech.wnmu.edu |
School of Behavioral Sciences |
(575) 538-6442 |
Merritt.Reed@wnmu.edu |
http://behavioral.wnmu.edu/ |
School of Business |
(575) 538-6321 |
SchoolOfBusiness@wnmu.edu |
http://sb.wnmu.edu |
School of Nursing |
(575) 538-6960 |
nursing@wnmu.edu |
http://nursing.wnmu.edu |
School of Social Work |
(575) 538-6421 |
SocialWork@wnmu.edu |
http://socialwork.wnmu.edu |
Small Business Development Center |
(575) 538-6320 |
sbdc@wnmu.edu |
https://www.nmsbdc.org/locations/silver-city/ |
Sports Information |
(575) 538-6214 |
Brian.Kortz@wnmu.edu |
http://www.wnmumustangs.com |
Staff Senate |
(575) 538-6130 |
staff.president@wnmu.edu |
http://staffsenate.wnmu.edu |
Student Accessibility Services |
(575) 538-6277 |
accessibility@wnmu.edu |
https://css.wnmu.edu/accessibility/students/ |
Student Government |
(575) 538-6377 |
student.president@wnmu.edu |
http://www.wnmu.edu/aswnmu |
Technical Services Library Manager |
(575) 538-6355 |
Technology Resource Center |
(575) 538-6334 |
computerlabs@wnmu.edu |
https://ats.wnmu.edu/computer-lab/ |
Testing Services |
(575) 538-6134 |
testing@wnmu.edu |
https://academictesting.wnmu.edu |
University Bookstore |
(575) 538-6123 |
0341mgr@follett |
http://wnmushop.com/ |
University Foundation |
(575) 538-6310 |
Foundation@wnmu.edu |
https://foundation.wnmu.edu/ |
University Librarian |
(575) 538-6358 |
Venue and Event Management |
(575/ 538-6161 |