This section of the Catalog is a guide to the academic regulations and curricula of WNMU. Each student is responsible for complying with the regulations of WNMU and of the curricular program he or she selects.
Academic Achievement Recognition
Dean’s List: To qualify for the Dean’s List, full-time students must earn at least a 3.3 grade point average and have at least 12 hours credit for the term.
President’s List: To qualify for the President’s List, full-time students must earn at least a 3.7 grade point average and have at least 12 hours credit for the term.
Academic Amnesty Policy
An undergraduate student enrolling at WNMU after at least a five calendar year period of separation from any accredited institution of higher learning may wish to be considered for academic amnesty. Application for this consideration will be made by the student to the Registrar in the Fall or Spring semester immediately following the semester in which the student completes 24 or more credit hours at WNMU with a G.P.A. of at least 2.50 for these hours. Developmental Studies courses and non-academic vocational courses will not count toward the five year separation requirement or the G.P.A. requirement. Upon granting of the application, all courses prior to the five year separation will be removed from consideration for a degree and will not count toward the G.P.A. but will remain on the student’s transcript. The student’s transcript will be marked “Academic Amnesty Granted”. Appropriate courses will be flagged, whether earned at WNMU or elsewhere. The student may not pick and choose which courses to remove from consideration. Academic Amnesty may be granted only once and is not reversible.
Academic Credits
An academic credit hour is the equivalent of one 50-minute standard class lecture per week for a minimum of 15 weeks. Laboratories, physical education activity classes, music lessons, ensembles, and workshops may generate credit hours at a lower rate.
Students enrolling in an improper course level will be reassigned to a more appropriate class.
Academic Credit Alternatives
Adult Learning and Education Experiences
Western New Mexico University will grant credit of up to 44 hours from a variety of off-campus sources as approved by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, the Council on Postsecondary Education, or the American Council on Education. It is recognized that certain curricula are affected by outside licensing and/or accrediting agencies that prohibit such substitutions or waivers. In such cases, the recommended credit may not be applied towards the degree in that discipline.
Correspondence Credit (Undergraduate)
A maximum of nine credit hours of correspondence credit is accepted toward a baccalaureate degree, and no more than six are accepted towards an associate degree. In accepting off-campus credit, WNMU will be guided by the interpretation of the college from which the credit is transferred. (Graduate students refer to Graduate Policies in the Graduate Studies Section.)
Credit by Challenge Examination
The program of credit by examination is available to students who, for reasons of scholarship or past academic experience, possess information and expertise at the same level as students who have completed a comparable course.
Eligibility for credit by examination is limited to students who have established a record of superior performance within a specific discipline or in their studies in general.
The usual set of conditions which justifies a request for establishing course credit by successful examination includes the following:
- The student has demonstrated evidence of scholarship in the field in which the examination is desired;
- The student has taken a course involving similar content but has not established credit for the course at WNMU;
- The student has had extensive experience of a theoretical and practical nature in a field which relates to the course in which the examination is requested;
- The student has had private tutoring in the field, such as in music or art.
The following guidelines govern the examination procedures:
- The examination will be searching in nature (comprehensive), strictly graded, and at least four hours in length;
- The minimum passing grade shall be C;
- The courses a student may challenge are determined by academic departments at WNMU. Physical education activities classes are not open to challenge.
Any currently enrolled student with a cumulative G.P.A. of 2.0 or higher may challenge certain undergraduate courses by examination. The procedure is as follows:
- Obtain a petition with a “statement of purpose” from the Office of the Registrar;
- Obtain the signature of the instructor;
- Obtain the signature of the appropriate Department Chair;
- Obtain the final approval of the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs;
- Pay the fee of $15 per credit hour in the Business Office;
- Make arrangements with the appropriate department chair to take the examination;
- Complete the petition by mid semester;
- Pay the normal cost of the course in the Business Office.
Challenge exams are only available for those courses not already recorded on an official university or college transcript.
No more than 15 credit hours by challenge examination may be recorded on the transcript for a baccalaureate degree. No more than six credit hours may be challenged for an associate’s degree. Credit earned by challenge examination may not satisfy any part of the last 15 credit hours required for graduation.
DANTES Subject Standardized Tests/American Council on Education
DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) exams were developed to enable schools to award credit to students with knowledge equivalent to that learned by students taking the course. The ultimate passing score for each exam is determined by the school. The school is provided with a recommended passing score established by a national council of college faculty who teach the relevant course. The DSST program is approved by the American Council on Education (ACE), and ACE provides both a recommended passing score and number that could be awarded to successful students.
WNMU will accept credit based on the recommendations of the American Council of Education (ACE). Students can get their ACE transcripts from ACE at
Tests Available through the WNMU Testing Center
Refer to the WNMU Testing Center chapter within the Undergraduate Studies section of this catalog for more information on: NES, GED, HiSet, NBCC, CPCE, ACCUPLACER, Credit by College-Level Examination (CLEP)
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity standards are established to provide a systematic process for engagement between faculty, students, and administration. Further, consequences are established to remedy violations of academic integrity. Each student shall observe standards of honesty and integrity in academic work completed at WNMU. Adherence to the standards is considered a serious matter. Violations of academic integrity such as cheating and plagiarism, intentional or unintentional, may result in penalties including dismissal from the university.
Violations include any behavior that misrepresents or falsifies a student’s knowledge, skills or abilities. Such violations include two broad categories: (1) cheating and (2) plagiarism.
- Definition:
Cheating includes, but is not limited to, using or attempting to use unauthorized materials such as notes, texts, images, electronic devices, and unauthorized copies of test materials. Cheating is also understood to mean unauthorized collaboration with others, copying the work of another, interfering with the work of another, taking an examination for another student or knowingly permitting another person to take an examination for oneself, or any action that presents the work of others to misrepresent the student’s knowledge, skills or ability.
Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the intentional or unintentional representation of another’s work as one’s own without proper acknowledgement of the original author or creator of the work, failure to quote and/or cite sources, providing or receiving unauthorized assistance in the preparation of any academic work, the fabrication of sources or information, or submitting the same work for more than one course/instructor without the permission of the current course instructor.
- Procedures for Addressing Academic Integrity Violations by Faculty and Students:
- Faculty Members
If a faculty member suspects a student has violated academic integrity, the faculty member should handle the matter in the manner specified below:
- Communicate with the Student
The faculty member must communicate or provide documentation of attempting to communicate with the student who has allegedly violated academic integrity to discuss the matter within 10 working days following discovery of the violation during the semester or if at the end of the semester, 10 working days after the start of the new regular semester following the semester in which the alleged violation occurs.
- If the faculty member finds the student did not violate academic integrity, the matter is closed and the allegations are dismissed.
- If the faculty member finds the student violated academic integrity, the faculty member must file a report within 10 working days after communicating with the student to the dean/chair of his/her department, to the dean/ chair of the student’s academic department or the Center for Student Success if undeclared, and to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The report will describe the nature of the violation and the action taken.
- If the faculty member finds the student quality of violating academic integrity and chooses to handle the matter directly with the student, the possible sanctions include, but are not limited to, failure/grade penalty on the assignment, rewriting the assignment, failure/grade penalty on the test, and failure/ grade penalty in the course.
- If the faculty member is unable to communicate with the student because the alleged violation occurs at the end of the semester, a grade of NR will be reported on the Academic Integrity Report and page 1 of the report will be forwarded to the Office of the Registrar.
- If the student fails to respond within 30 days, the faculty member may assign a grade at his/her discretion.
- Referring the Violation to the Academic Integrity Committee
If after communicating with the student, the faculty member believes the student has violated academic integrity, he/she may choose to refer the matter to the Academic Integrity Committee for a hearing by the Committee. The referral must be made within 10 working days after meeting with the student during the semester or if at the end of the semester, 10 working days after the start of the new regular semester following the semester in which the alleged violation occurs. The faculty member must report the alleged violation to the dean/chair of his/her respective department, to the dean/chair of the student’s academic department or the Center for Student Success if undeclared, and to the chair of the Academic Integrity Committee.
- Students Accused of a Violation
If a student is accused of violating academic integrity, he/she must communicate with the faculty member making the accusation.
- Communicate with Faculty Member
The student must communicate with the faculty member who has suspected him/her of violating academic integrity to discuss the matter within 10 working days following discovery of the violation during the semester or if at the end of the semester, 10 working days after the start of the new semester following the semester in which the alleged violation occurs. If the matter is not resolved with the faculty member to the student’s satisfaction, the student may refer the matter.
- Referring the Issue to the Dean/Chair of the Department
If after communicating with the faculty member, the student feels the matter is not resolved to his/her satisfaction, he/she may refer the issue to the dean/ chair of the department where the alleged offense occurs and to the dean/ chair of the student’s academic department or the Center for Student Success if undeclared within 10 working days of communicating with the faculty member. The dean/chair of the department must convene a meeting of the student and the faculty member within 10 working days of the referral.
- Referring the Issue to the Academic Integrity Committee
If no resolution of the matter is reached, the student may refer the matter to the Academic Integrity Committee. The student must submit a report requesting a hearing within 10 working days after the meeting with the dean/ chair of the department of the faculty member.
- Academic Integrity Committee
The Academic Integrity Committee shall be a standing Faculty Senate committee which replaces all previously established committees for the resolution and disposition of violations of academic integrity non-residential issues (Academic Integrity Panel). The Discipline Committee will not hear issues on Academic Integrity.
- Composition
The Academic Integrity Committee is composed of three faculty members and three alternates on a two-year departmental rotating basis. Committee members will be nominated by academic department to serve on the Committee. Three student members and three alternates appointed by the ASWNMU and one staff member who has taught a college level course and one staff alternate who has taught a college level course will be appointed by the Staff Senate at the beginning of the academic year. The Committee shall elect a chair, vice-chair and secretary. In the event that a quorum of the regular members cannot be obtained for a pending matter, and the chair determines that a hearing must occur before a quorum can be obtained, alternates identified above may serve.
- Duties
The duties of the Academic Integrity Committee shall include by not be limited to the following tasks:
- Hear cases brought before the committee after the following the above procedures;
- Make recommendations based on substantial evidence presented;
- Be governed by rules consistent with due process procedures an approved by the legislative branch of the Associated Students, the University Administration, and the University Board of Regents.
- The chair of the Academic Integrity Committee will be responsible for notifying the faculty member and the student in writing, (by letter of WNMU e-mail) and by phone of the date, time and place at which the Committee will hold a hearing. In addition, the chair is responsible for conducting the hearing or rescheduling a hearing as outlined in III.C.3.
- The vice-chair is responsible for notifying the members of the Academic Integrity Committee (faculty, students, and staff) of the date, time, and place at which the Committee will hold a hearing. The vice-chair may also conduct a hearing in the absence of the chair and will fulfill the duties of the chair in that case. If this occurs, a faculty alternate will serve on the committee as the third faculty member.
- The secretary is responsible for preparing a written report of the hearing which includes the decision of the Committee, having the chair or vice-chair sign the report and forwarding copies of the report to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the faculty member, the dean/chair of the faculty member’s department, the dean/chair of the student’s academic department or the Center for Student Success if undeclared, the student and the Registrar.
- Hearings
- Procedures
If the above procedures have not been followed, a hearing will be conducted.
- Notice to the Faculty Member and the Student
Within 10 working days after an alleged violation of academic integrity has been referred to the Academic Integrity Committee, the chair of the Committee will notify the faculty member and the student, in writing (by letter or WNMU e-mail), and by phone, the basis for the alleged violation, and the date, time, and place at which the Committee will hold a hearing.
- Date of Hearing
The hearing should not take place until at least 10 working days after the notification is sent. If the hearing falls during a University holiday, break in the semesters, during the summer months, or when a quorum of the Academic Integrity Committee is not available, the chair has the responsibility to schedule the hearing within the earliest reasonable time frame.
- Who May Attend
Members of the Academic Integrity Committee, the student and the faculty member must attend the hearing. Witnesses and the dean/chair of the department of the faculty member may attend the hearing. The student has the right to have someone with him/her who may only speak at the pleasure of the Committee, but can also informally consult with the student.
- Failure to Appear
If the faculty member or the student fails to appear at the hearing on the date, time, and place specified in the notice, the Academic Integrity Committee may hear testimony and evidence and reach a decision on the basis of that evidence. If either party is unable to appear on the date specified in the notice, he/she should notify the chair for the reasons that prevent. If the chair determines that good cause exists for not attending on the scheduled date, a new date for the hearing will be set no later than 30 days within the semester that the alleged violation occurs or if at the end of a semester, 30 days after the start of the new semester following the semester in which the alleged violation occurs.
- Reports
The Secretary of the Academic Integrity Committee shall prepare a written report of the hearing which includes the decision of the Committee. The chair or the vice-chair of the Committee will sign the report before it is sent to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the dean/chair of the faculty member’s department, the dean/chair of the student’s academic department or the Center for Student Success if undeclared, the faculty member and the student. A copy of the report will also be placed in the student’s official file in the Office of the Registrar.
- Appeal of Decision from Academic Integrity Committee
- If the student or the faculty member does not accept the decision of the Academic Integrity Committee, he/she may appeal the decision in writing to the Vice President for Academic affairs within 10 working days after receiving the report from the Academic Integrity Committee.
- The Vice President for Academic Affairs shall review the record of the hearing and the evidence supporting the appeal and shall determine whether the decision of the Academic Integrity Committee was arbitrary or shall affirm the decision.
- If the Vice President for Academic Affairs finds the decision to be arbitrary, he/she may reverse the decision. In all cases, the decision of the Vice President for Academic Affairs in final.
- Consequences
- A first finding of a violation of academic integrity will result in an Academic Integrity Warning.
- A second finding of a violation of academic integrity will result in an Academic Integrity Probation.
- A third finding of a violation of academic integrity will result in an Academic Integrity Suspension. Students may reapply for admission after one year.
Policy and Procedures adapted from similar policies and procedures from UNM, NMSU, ENMU, Baylor University, and Virginia Tech
Academic Standing, Undergraduate
Good Academic Standing
Students who maintain the minimum academic standards stated in the scale listed under Probation and Suspension will be considered in good standing.
Probation and Suspension
Academic Probation: Academic standing is based upon the overall G.P.A. and is reviewed at the end of each semester; students who have not made satisfactory progress will be placed on academic probation for the next semester. Satisfactory progress is based on the number of overall G.P.A. hours and overall G.P.A. according to the following scale.
Overall G.P.A. Hours |
Overall G.P.A. |
0-29 |
1.65 |
30-45 |
1.75 |
46-59 |
1.90 |
60 + Hours |
2.00 |
Conditions of Academic Probation: Certain restrictions are placed on students who are on Academic Probation status to assist them with improving their academic performance. Non-compliance with any of these restrictions is taken very seriously because the conditions of Academic
Probation exists to help students identify and solve their academic issues.
- A student on Academic Probation is required to discuss the Persistence Plan Tracking Program with his or her Advisor or Success Coach and sign the Student Agreement within two weeks of the start of the semester.
- A student must fulfill the requirements set forth in the Student Agreement.
- A student on Academic Probation may register for a maximum academic load of 13 semester credit hours. (Note: Students with declared majors in Applied Technology Programs may register for a maximum academic load of 15 semester credit hours.)
- A student on Academic Probation may be required to withdraw from intercollegiate athletics.
- A student on Academic Probation should contact the Office of Financial Aid to determine how his or her Financial Aid is affected by their academic status.
The student remains on academic probation until his/her overall G.P.A. hours and overall G.P.A. meet or exceed acceptable standards (see scale above) or
Academic Suspension: A student on academic probation will be suspended at the end of the semester in which the overall G.P.A. remains below acceptable standards and the semester G.P.A. falls below 2.0. Students placed on academic suspension are sent a certified letter by the Registrar.
The first suspension from WNMU is for one full calendar year from the date of suspension. A student may appeal their first suspension to the Admissions and Academic Standing Committee. A second suspension may not be appealed. The student must serve a suspension of one full calendar year. With any subsequent suspension, the student must serve a full two calendar year suspension without any right to appeal. Students serving their suspension must contact the Office of the Registrar for re-admission following the suspension period.
Reinstated from Suspension: Suspended students who are reinstated re-enter WNMU on academic probation.
During the period of suspension, a student may not register for classes, live in student housing, or participate in student activities at WNMU.
NOTE: Students suspended from another institution are not eligible to enroll at WNMU until they have served the suspension period of that institution.
Assessment Program
At Western New Mexico University students, faculty, and staff participate in assessment activities that help us to identify what works so we can continually improve the institution and ensure that teaching and learning are actually taking place. From the time you begin until graduation, you will be asked to participate in a variety of assessment activities. We realize that your time is precious, but we believe the feedback benefit - to the institution and to you - is worth the investment of your time.
Assessment at WNMU is not an end in itself; it is a vehicle for educational improvement. At the institutional level, the assessment program helps determine where and how our general education program is succeeding in achieving institutional goals and where changes need to be made to ensure continuous improvement. At the departmental level, the assessment program documents aspects of student learning within specific majors and to make changes as necessary to ensure continuous improvement.
For the individual student, assessment provides feedback on personal growth. The various assessment activities all help you measure not only what you know, but what you can do with what you know. As an active learner, you now share the responsibility for your learning; assessment gives you the constant feedback you need to monitor your own progress toward your goals.
Participation in all assessment activities is required of each WNMU student. Students will be given adequate notice of institutional assessment activities that are conducted throughout the year. Failure to participate in these assessment activities can result in administrative action. The consequences can include, but are not limited to, restricting the student’s enrollment in certain courses, disenrollment from all courses for the semester, or reduction in a course grade if related to course activities.
Attendance is expected at all sessions of each course for which the student is enrolled; the responsibility for attendance is placed upon the student. The student is responsible for making up missed assignments and making appropriate arrangements with the instructor. Failure to attend class does not imply withdrawal. Students who are auditing a course will be expected to attend class regularly. The instructor has the option of withdrawing a student for not attending class. Non-attendance of classes due to late registration is considered the same as absences after registration.
An instructor may also drop/withdraw a student who does not meet the prerequisites of a course. Only students enrolled for credit or audit are permitted to attend classes. Students not enrolled may visit classes with the Instructor permission.
Choice of Catalog
Each annual catalog is effective Summer through Spring. Students pursuing an undergraduate/graduate degree may choose to graduate under the catalog which was in effect when they entered WNMU, or any subsequent catalog, provided the catalog is not more than six years old when the degree requirements are completed. Students may not use more than one catalog to complete degree requirements.
Curricular requirements are established by WNMU and include general education courses, supporting course work, and specific discipline requirements. Each undergraduate/graduate student’s degree plan is individually determined following catalog guidelines and advisor recommendations. Students may request through their advisors an exception or substitution to the curricular requirements of their degree programs and to the academic regulations established in this catalog. Exceptions and substitutions must be approved by the department chair in the student’s major/minor and (if appropriate) the Dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
WNMU may make changes and exceptions to curricular and academic policies, provided that administrative and governance procedures are followed and that reasonable consideration is given to individual petitions for exceptions.
Classification of Students
A student’s undergraduate classification depends upon the number of credit hours earned:
Freshman |
0 - 29 credit hours earned |
Sophomore |
30 - 59 credit hours earned |
Junior |
60 - 89 credit hours earned |
Senior |
90 - and up |
Copyright Policy
Copyright is the right of the creator of a work to control the use of that work by others. Copyright protects literary works, musical works, dramatic works, pantomimes and choreographic works, pictorial works, graphic works, sculpture, motion pictures and other audiovisual works, as well as sound recordings and architectural works. In other words, copyrighted work may not be reproduced by others without the copyright owner’s permission.
Although there are some exceptions to the rules, i.e. fair use, discussed later, generally the unauthorized reproduction, performance or distribution of a copyrighted work is copyright infringement and may subject the guilty party to civil and criminal penalties.
Western New Mexico University (WNMU), its faculty, students and employees must comply with the Copyright Law. Questions regarding copyright law compliance should be directed to your department head, your professor, your supervisor, or the University Librarian and copyright compliance officer. Additional information about copyright is available on the following web sites:
Course Load
The normal course load for students enrolled in the Fall or Spring semester is between 15-18 credit hours. A student carrying a load of 16 credit hours for each of eight semesters will have completed the necessary credit hours for graduation provided the student followed a specific degree plan without modification. Students who carry less than 16 credit hours for eight semesters may be ineligible for Financial Aid after the eighth semester of enrollment. Twelve credit hours is the normal load for students registering for summer school.
The responsibility for formulating and enforcing policies governing the student course load belongs to the student’s advisor, Department Chair/Director/Dean and the Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee. The student’s previous academic record will be taken into account when determining the course load. The advisor also determines, along with the student, the appropriate course load to carry during a given semester and indicates the total number of credit hours on the student’s registration form.
A student desiring to carry a course load greater than 18 credit hours may register for additional credit hours if the previous semester’s grade-point average was 3.0 (B) or above and no grades of “I” are outstanding. To carry a course load beyond the 18 credit hour course load, the student must petition for permission by completing the Petition for Overload form. The maximum course load in the summer session including interim or mini-sessions is twelve credit hours.
Registration in a one hour Physical Education course, registration in band, orchestra, chorus, or a Natural Sciences laboratory may be carried as additional hours beyond the normal 18 credit hours in the semester or 12 in a summer term without petitioning for excess hours.
Students who have a grade of incomplete from a prior semester may be restricted to carrying a normal load less the number of incomplete credits.
Non-credit or audit courses are counted as a part of the student’s load when determining tuition and requirements for overloads. Interim courses also count as part of the 18 hour course load (or twelve hours in the summer) for the semester in which they are placed.
WNMU is frequently requested to certify a student’s enrollment status as to fulltime or part-time. The following guidelines are used primarily to verify enrollment for the purpose of Financial Aid eligibility and loan deferments.
Course-load guidelines:
Fall, Spring, and Summer
- Full-time: 12 or more credit hours per semester
- Three-quarter time: 9-11 credit hours per semester
- Half-time: 6-8 credit hours per semester
- Less than Half-time: 1-5 credit hours per semester
Course Numbering
Courses numbered from 097 to 099 are remedial courses, 100 to 199 are intended for Applied Technology freshmen, from 200 to 299 for sophomores, 1000-1999 are intended for freshmen in academic courses, 2000-2999 for sophomores in academic courses and from 300 to 399 for juniors, and from 400 to 499 for seniors. Courses numbered in the 500 and 600 series are normally open only to graduate students (see Seniors Taking Graduate Courses).
Course Numbering Standards
Co-op Work Experience
The Co-op Work Experience courses are numbered 194 or 1995, 294 or 2995, 394, and 494. These courses are arranged through the Student Success Office, Juan Chacon Building, room 210. This program provides opportunities to supplement course work with practical work experience related to the student’s educational and occupational objectives. The student will work a minimum of 45 hours per credit hour. Co-op Work Experience courses may be taken for one to six credit hours per semester. A maximum of six credit hours of Co-op Work Experience courses may be applied toward an associate or baccalaureate program.
Independent Study Courses (Graduate and Undergraduate)
Independent study courses may be made available in most departments by special arrangement between student and professor.
There are three types of arranged independent study:
- Directed Study is used when the student wishes to study a subject not regularly offered. These courses are numbered 185 or 1992, 285 or 2992, 385, 485, and 585.
- Directed Research is used when the student is performing research under the direction of a faculty member. These courses are numbered 190 or 1991, 290 or 2992, 390, 490 and 590.
- Tutorial Reading is used when a student must take a regularly offered class on an independent basis. These courses are identified with their original course numbers with a TR/______ at the beginning of the course title.
WNMU policy is to prevent the abuse of the Independent Study as it may result in the loss of core-classroom learning; WNMU subscribes to the following general policy statements. Departments within WNMU may impose additional criteria and regulations.
- Independent study courses (Directed Study, Directed Research, and Tutorial Reading) shall be used primarily for the purpose of academic enrichment. The assignment and approval of Independent Studies for other reasons shall be strictly limited to emergency situations.
- A student in a baccalaureate program requesting approval for an Independent Study must have successfully completed 60 hours of college work and must have a G.P.A. of 2.5 or higher. A student in an associate program must have successfully completed 30 credit hours of college work and must have a G.P.A. of 2.5 or higher.
- A maximum of twelve credit hours of Independent Study may be applied toward the graduation requirements at the baccalaureate level. A maximum of eight credit hours of Independent Study may be applied toward the graduation requirements at the associate level.
Internships and Practica
Internship courses are numbered 181 or 1998, 281 or 2998, 381, and 481.
- There shall be a 45:1 ratio between field hours and credit hours; i.e., for a three credit hour course the student will work 135 hours in the field.
- A maximum of six credit hours of practicum/internship hours may be applied toward an associate or baccalaureate program except when required by a professional accrediting agency.
- The activities and duties performed by the student during the practicum/ internship shall meet the goals and objectives of the discipline as defined by the department that offers the practicum/internship.
- The faculty in charge of the practicum/internship shall prepare a written agreement detailing the responsibilities of the student and field agency during the practicum/internship. This agreement shall also specify the criteria for assigning a grade at the end of the practicum/internship. Both the student and field agency shall sign the agreement before the practicum/internship begins. The agreement shall be filed in the student’s advisement file and in the Office of the Registrar.
- The student, faculty, and agency shall evaluate the practicum/internship experience at the completion of the field experience.
- If students are to receive stipends, per diem allowances, or other remuneration, criteria or guidelines shall be developed by the department which offers the practicum/internship. These criteria or guidelines shall clearly state the situations under which monies may be paid to a student.
- A statement shall be filed with the department and Office of Academic Affairs defining the specific goals and purpose of any practicum/internship course listed in the catalog. It shall include a statement of how the above items are addressed.
On-the-Job-Training (OJT)
These courses are limited to associate degree programs and are numbered 196 or 1998 and 296 or 2998. The course instructor works closely with the on-the-job supervisor in determining the student’s grade. Students may earn credit for work experience related to their educational and occupational objectives. The student will work a minimum of 45 hours per credit hour. OJT may be taken for one to six credit hours per semester. A maximum of six credit hours of OJT courses may be applied toward an associate degree.
Professional Development
Professional Development courses are numbered 144, 244, 344, 444, and 544. Courses are for professional development only and may not be used for degree credit.
Workshop courses are numbered 180 or 1993, 280 or 2993, 380, 480, and 580. A workshop course can be offered up to two times before the department decides to make it a permanent course. The workshop content should not duplicate any existing course at WNMU. Collaboration with any other department offering similar content is highly recommended.
Service Learning
There will be an “SL” designation after the course description. Service Learning at WNMU engages students in structured community service activities and guided reflection as a part of the academic curriculum. Service learning gives students real-world experiences to enhance their learning while helping address community needs and foster civic engagement through volunteerism. Service-learning experiences support the WNMU undergraduate learning goals and outcomes. Typically, a service learning class at WNMU requires at least 15 hours of structured community service activities and asks students to produce at least 2,000 words in written reflection. Three credits of service learning courses are required for graduation with a Bachelor’s Degree.
Examinations other than final examinations are to be given at the discretion of the instructor.
Final examinations are held during the last week of the semester. The schedule of examinations is issued by the Vice President for Academic Affairs and is published in the semester schedule of classes. Any changes in the examination schedule must be approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
The arrangements for a make-up examination shall be made by the student in consultation with the instructor.
Grading System - Grade Points
The WNMU grading system is expressed in letters, which carry grade points used in calculating the cumulative grade-point average (G.P.A.). Grades awarded in all courses indicate the quality of work completed. Grades of A, B, C, D, F, NF, and P are earned and recorded at WNMU. In computing the grade-point average, the total of credits in which the grades of A, B, C, D, F, NF have been earned is divided into the total number of grade points computed.
A |
= |
4 grade points per credit hour |
B |
= |
3 |
C |
= |
2 |
D |
= |
1 |
F |
= |
0 |
NF |
= |
0 Given to students who did not officially withdraw from the course but who failed to participate in course activities through the end of the period. It is used when, in the opinion of the instructor, completed assignments or course activities or both were insufficient to make normal evaluation of academic performance possible. This grade is given at the end of the term when grades are due. |
P |
= |
Indicates a passing grade in a course. P is not computed in the G.P.A. |
I |
= |
Indicates work is still pending and is given only when circumstances beyond the student’s control have prevented completion of the course within the official dates of a session. It is not intended as an opportunity to raise the grade in a course. “I” is not computed in the G.P.A. |
IP |
= |
Indicates work in progress and is to be used for senior projects. |
PR |
= |
Indicates work in progress and is to be used for graduate thesis. |
MI |
= |
Indicates work is still pending for a student due to military obligations. A military incomplete will allow the student one full semester after release from active duty to complete the course work. A MI may not be given to a student who has a grade of D or F at the time of request. |
MW |
= |
Indicates the student withdrew due to military obligations. A military withdrawal will be treated as a regular withdrawal and will not be calculated in the G.P.A |
W |
= |
Indicates withdrawal from the course with the permission of the proper authorities. Withdrawals are not permitted after the eleventh week of the semester. W is not computed in the G.P.A. |
Additionally, students may want to refer to the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for Undergraduate Students or the Office of Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for Graduate Students in reference to grades.
Military Withdrawals
Students who formally withdraw from the University before the end of the 11th week of the semester due to military obligations are entitled to a grade of MW (military Withdraw) or MI (Military Incomplete) in each course in which he/she is enrolled. Military orders or evidence of enlistment must be made available to the Registrar.
Auditing a Course
Students may register for any course as an audit, or without credit. The fee is the same as for credit. Students who are auditing a course will be expected to attend class regularly. The instructor has the option of withdrawing a student for not attending class. Courses taken for audit may be repeated. The last day to change a course to an audit is the same date as the last day to drop a course.
Final Course Grades
Students can access their final grades via Mustang Express at approximately seven days after the official close of the semester.
Incomplete Grade
The grade of incomplete (I) is given for coursework that could not be completed due to circumstances beyond the student’s control. In no case will a grade of I be used to avoid the assigning of D or F grades for marginal or failing work. A grade of I is requested by the student. A student must remove the I by completing all coursework by the close of the last day of classes in the following semester. Failure to comply with this regulation will result in automatic conversion from I to F.
Mid-Semester Grades
All mid-term semester grades of D or F are reported to the Office of the Registrar according to the WNMU Catalog schedule. These grades are made available to the student via their Mustang Express account, Athletics/Coaches, Office of Financial Aid, and the Student Service Specialists in the Office of Admissions.
If the student receives an unsatisfactory grade because of an apparent error in the registration process, he/she should contact the Office of the Registrar immediately.
Repeating a Course
Student may repeat a course previously taken at WNMU in order to improve the grade. The higher grade in a repeated course will be substituted in the calculation of the grade-point average for the final grade earned. All grades earned for the course remain posted on the permanent record, but credit may be earned only once.
Graduate Courses Taken by Seniors
Seniors who are within 12 credit hours of graduation, have completed all required courses for the baccalaureate degree, and have an overall grade-point average of 3.0 or above may petition to enroll for graduate credit. Forms may be obtained at the Office of the Registrar. A maximum of six graduate credit hours may be applied to a WNMU graduate program. Courses which are offered at two or more levels with identical titles may not be repeated for credit, with the exception of courses specifically structured for repetition.
Any students in their final semester of classes are considered degree candidates and are required to submit a “Graduation Application”. The Graduation Application form is available online at It must be completed and submitted by the designated deadline; June 1st for Fall; September 1st for Spring; February 1st for Summer. The advisor must also submit the student’s advisor approved Degree Plan with any substitution and/or waiver forms to The advisor must indicate on the degree plan the student’s term in which they are eligible for graduation. Students will not be awarded their degree until the Final Degree Audit is completed by the Registrar’s Office.
Participation in the Commencement Ceremony
Commencement exercises are held at the end of the fall and spring semesters. Students whose requirements were completed in the preceding summer, as well as those who have completed requirements during the semester in which they applied for, are invited to and have their names printed in the commencement program.
Participation in commencement does not, in itself, mean that a student is considered a WNMU graduate. Condition to participate a student must need 7 or fewer credit hours to complete their degree requirements.
Students who are in the process of completing their final degree requirements in the fall and degree recipients from the previous summer session will participate in the fall ceremony.
Students who are in the process of completing their final degree requirements in the spring must attend the spring ceremony. However, degree candidates that wish to participate in a spring commencement, prior to completing degree requirements in summer session may do so if they meet the condition stated above.
In order to be awarded a degree, a student must fulfill university requirements.
Graduation with Honors
Baccalaureate degree candidates who have a cumulative grade-point average of 3.5 or above are designated for honors at graduation as follows:
Cumulative G.P.A. |
Honor |
3.90 or better |
Summa Cum Laude |
3.75 or better |
Magna Cum Laude |
3.50 or better |
Cum Laude |
Student Grade or Instructor Professional Conduct Complaint Appeals Process
- Scope. This policy applies to student complaints concerning:
- Assignment of Grades; or
- Professional conduct of an instructor that does not involve a complaint of discrimination or harassment, such as a complaint of unfair treatment not involving discrimination or decisions about eligibility for program or degree requirements. For complaints of discrimination or harassment, refer to the Policy for Resolving Student Complaints of Discrimination or Harassment in the Student Handbook. The Student Handbook is online at
- Definitions.
- “Working days’ means Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, unless the day is a school holiday or vacation period. If the last day of the designated time period is a school holiday or vacation period, the designated time period will run until the end of the next day which is not a school holiday or vacation period. The term “vacation period” does not include the week of final exams.
- Procedures
- Step 1.
- The student must submit a written complaint to the instructor within 30 working days of receiving grade notification or experiencing the disputed conduct. The student must also provide a copy of the written complaint to the Dean, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the Vice President for Student Affairs.
- Within 10 working days of receiving the written complain, the instructor will respond to the complaint, stating in writing the instructor’s decision and the basis for the decision. The instructor will also provide a copy of the written decision to the Dean, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the Vice President for Student Affairs.
- If the student is dissatisfied with the instructor’s decision the student may proceed to Step II.
- Step II.
- Within 10 working days of receiving the instructor’s decision, the student must submit a written complaint to the department chairperson of the instructor, stating why the student is dissatisfied with the instructor’s written decision. The student must also provide a copy of the written complaint to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Student Affairs.
- If the instructor is the department chairperson, within 10 working days of receiving the chairperson’s decision, the student must submit a written complaint to the Dean of the department, stating why the student is dissatisfied with the chairperson’s written decision. The student must also provide a copy of the written complaint to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Student Affairs.
- The department chairperson, Dean, or a faculty member designated by the department chairperson or Dean (“designee”) will investigate the complaint and, within 10 working days of receiving the written complaint, advise the student and the instructor, in writing, of the department chairperson’s, Dean’s, or designee’s findings and decision. The department chairperson, Dean, or designee will also provide a copy of the written decision to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Student Affairs. The department chairperson’s, Dean’s, or designee’s investigation may include interviews with the student, the instructor, other students in the course, other instructors who have taught the course, and the review and comparison of pertinent papers and examinations.
- If the student is dissatisfied with the department chairperson’s, Dean’s, or designee’s decision, the student may proceed to Step III.
- Step III.
- The student must submit a written request to the Student Appeals Committee for a hearing. The student must submit the request within 5 working days of receiving the department chairperson’s, Dean’s, or designee’s written decision.
- The student should refer to the Student Appeals Hearing Guidelines found in the Student Handbook for a further explanation of the Student Appeals Committee hearing guidelines.